PRESS RELEASE: Fiscal Hawk Linda Ragsdale runs for O’Fallon City Council

Businesswoman Linda Ragsdale has announced her campaign for O’Fallon City Council, Ward 5. This seat represents the northwest side of the city, bordered by Mexico Road in the south and Main Street in the east. She will appear on the ballot April 4th.
“Speaking to voters is the best part of campaigning,” noted Ragsdale. “You really get to hear what issues are important to people. Learning about the challenges our local families are going through has only increased my motivation to represent them on the council. I want to be a strong voice for those who feel ignored by their state and federal leaders.”
Ragsdale is well known in the community as an advocate for conservative economic values. As an auditor, she has worked with a variety of clients to ensure funds are being used properly and efficiently in the private sector. Now, she hopes to bring these same economic principles to local government.
“I decided to run because I truly believe we need more fiscal responsibility in our city government. I’m an accountant; I know how to navigate through all the red tape of financial law and I understand how to cut costs and keep taxes low. In these times of economic turbulence, we need to protect the taxpayer.”
Economic development is another priority for Ragsdale. She has spoken on the importance of developing the downtown area and ensuring O’Fallon remains an economic leader in the region. Additionally, the preservation and improvement of infrastructure is vital to the success of the community, she argues.
“When your roads and buildings are in poor shape, it’s a reflection of poor city management. We have to take care of these core infrastructure needs if we want to be able to build up O’Fallon as an example of prosperity. Likewise, we must continue to invest in our first responders to ensure our neighborhoods remain safe.”
Outside of politics, Ragsdale is involved in many local organizations, including the local Chamber of Commerce and the St. Charles Leadership Council, as well as serving as President of the St. Louis Auburn Club. She also served on the Reapportionment Commission. She enjoys spending time on the farm with her father when not on the campaign trail and has a passion for veterans’ causes as a Gold Star family member.
“If there is only one thing I could say to all the voters of O’Fallon, Ward 5, it would be this: you deserve a city councilor who will fight to keep money in your pocket and ensure our city is using its funds responsibly to better our community. I will fight every day to ensure our city remains on the path to success.”
To learn more about Linda Ragsdale’s campaign, visit