stl Today Editoral: Congress should cap out-of-pocket Medicare Costs

Regarding “Ban on negotiating Medicare drug prices under pressure” (Oct. 6): According to a poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, reducing prescription drug prices is a top priority for most Americans. And that isn’t surprising. Too many patients struggle to afford the medications they need. However, I strongly disapprove of Congress’s current attempts to combat this issue by focusing on Medicare negotiations between the government and pharmaceutical companies. I think this move could limit patients’ access to medicines.
For me, the issue of fewer treatment options hits very close to home. My father is a Medicare recipient, and I serve as his primary caregiver. Time and again, his Medicare Part D coverage has been a lifesaver and has allowed us to get the prescriptions that work for him to stay healthy.
I think we need to find a way to reduce prescription costs for patients, but government negotiations with drug providers are not the answer. Congress should consider capping annual out-of-pocket costs. This way, patients would be protected from high costs while still having sample medication and treatment options.
Linda Ragsdale • O’Fallon, Mo.